Thursday, October 30, 2008


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Friday, October 17, 2008

My "Issue" Essay, No.13

TOPIC: ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
WORDS: 579 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE: 2008-10-17 15:31:17

In this statement, the speaker recommends that whether a citizen obeys a law depends on whether the law is justice. I admit that the initial potential of the speaker is to make our society better; however, this statement is too simple to analyze such a complex issue- one that discussing the definition of justice. I argue that we cannot simply resist laws but should find a practical method to ensure that our law is just.

To begin with, I agree with the speaker can we need just laws and the unjust ones should be abandoned. Law is the standard for people's behavior whose function is to support people's rights, to ban someone's harmful actions to others, to settle conflicts within the people. When we meet social problems, the first reaction is referring to the law, as a symbol of justice. If law itself is unjust, there could be no justice in the society. In medieval, law was made by the feudalists, who use laws, to rule their kingdom, to control their people, to extract tax. Similarly, in ancient China, emperors made, revised, and abandoned laws arbitrary to meet their needs and profits. Those laws are not just law to the common people and thus brought about chaos and revolutions. When we consider these situations, we may simply admit that we should also disobey and resist unjust laws in our society.

Nevertheless, the speaker failed to consider how to define a just law if he/she wants to use this standard to divide different laws. Unlike those kings' laws in the past, our laws are more formal and well designed, so we cannot easily distinguish an unfair law like our ancestors did. Different people tend to pursuit different profits, and their profits maybe conflict with each other. For instance, when we discussing labor law, there are two sides of people- the employees and the employers, whose interests are totally opposite. While the bosses emphasize on longer serving time of employees, lower cost of hiring, and higher business revenues, the workers may appeal for shorter working hours and higher salaries. As a result, in their views, the definition of just law is different. Similarly, individual cannot form a uniform standard to define whether a law is just or not.

Finally, I argue that a practical method should be taken to revise or abandon our laws. As no individual has right to resist laws and no government can revise laws arbitrary, a reliable law-revising mechanism of a nation is the protector of justice. Taking United States Constitution for example, the fifth of its seven original articles is "Process of Amendments", which guaranteed a reliable method to revise the Constitution and other laws. Now the Constitution has 27 amendments in all, with the last one ratified in 1992. Other countries have followed United States' example, in their constitution, the process of making, revising, abandoning a law is clearly defined. In short, we should protect the justice by obeying laws, not by resisting them.

Most people know that the justice of law has great impact on the society, and whether the law system is just can determine the future of a nation. But the speaker failed to consider that it is too difficult for ordinary people to judge a law's justice. In my view, social system and the entire society, not individual, can revise laws. For every individua, what they can do is to advocate for a change, not to resist some so-called "unjust" laws.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My "Issue" Essay, NO.9

TOPIC: ISSUE51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
WORDS: 588 TIME: 00:50:00 DATE: 2008-10-16 14:28:20

In this statement, the speaker points out that the educator should design every student's education plan for their own needs and interests. In my view, I also admit the importance of taking different method of education according to every single student; however, I argue that this method is not practice in the present condition and we need to find a compromising way.

To begin with, I concede that if we want to cultivate a child successfully, the best way is that take his/her individual situation- including needs and interests- into consideration. Twenty-five centuries ago, the great thinker and educator, Confucius, pointed out a similar educational theory- "educating according to one's characteristic", which means what knowledge a student should learn and what kind of method his/her teacher takes should be determined by the very student's private conditions. In Confucius' age, human's knowledge was quite limited, in comparison to our time. Now we have too many academic fields: from art to logic, from linguistics to science, from history to engineering. Even in the field of engineering, there are also hundreds of specified subject: electric engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, etc. It is hard for one person to study more than two of them, let alone all these subjects. One the other hand, common sense informs me that, every student is unique, and has his/her her own talent to perform excellent in one of these fields. As a result, one can be trained to success, if he/her is educated with suitable discipline and suitable method.

Nevertheless, I am obliged to point out that it is not possible to train every single child in this way, for the cost is too high for our society to afford. If educators have to design training plans for every student, the amount of work is so large that our current number of teachers and indicator is far from enough. In most counties in the world, like United States, or United Kingdom, the expense of education takes less than ten percent of the GDP and people worded in educational career is also insignificant. Although the method is definitely a good one, our current educational resource is not adequate to afford it.

To trade off the revenue and the expense, I propose a compromising solution. This solution includes two parts: (1) classifying the students into different groups, (2) providing different method to students in different studying period. Maybe we cannot offer different education for every student, but we can divide students into groups. In every group, students have similar background and characteristics. Thus, we do not to prepare millions of educational plan; instead, perhaps one hundred plans are enough, if we classify students into one hundred groups. In each group, students are trained to work in different fields in future. The other part of the solution is that, we do not need to design specified plan for students in every grades. When children are below 15 years old, what they need is almost the same: extensive but basic knowledge in every field, so we can provide the same educational plan to every student. When they step into high school or college, we are obliged to provide different plans to meet their further needs. Finally, to those graduate students, educator must provide unique plan for every single student, as they have reached the top level of our education level.

In conclusion, I argue that, considering the present social resource for education is limited, the best way of education cannot be practice, but we can take some alternative methods that might help us to form a better education system.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My "Issue" Essay, NO.8

TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
WORDS: 582 TIME: 01:00:00 DATE: 2008-10-15 13:36:31

In this statement, the speaker points out that people's appearance and behavior can reflect the individuals' attitudes and interests as well as the whole society's ideas and values. As to every single person, I admit that how he/her dress and act can reveal his/her personality to some extent; however, I do not consider people's appearance and behavior as the major factors to represent a society's thought or ideology.

To begin with, I concede that everyone chooses their clothing and behavior according to their individual characters so that their appearance can reveal the inner mind. It is a useful experience that we can briefly judge a person's interests by his/her clothing and behavior. For example, some people with specific hobbits often share similar clothing. People who favor sports often wear sports shirts and shoes so as to be convenience to join in physical activities. People who love Hip-hop tend to wear clothes in bigger size, and they always wear caps whenever in day or night, wherever inside or outside of a building. Now, many clothing company corporate with stars in every field and print their signatures or symbols on the cloth in order to attract more customers. As a result, we can distinguish Lakers' fans from Rockets' fans because their shirts or coats can tell us which team they support.

Nevertheless, how a person dresses also depends on other factors, such as one's social position, personal property, profession, etc. These attributes have nothing to do with a person's attitude or interests. President Bush is definitely a fan of US National Basketball Team in Olympic Games, but when our president went to watch the match in Beijing, he still wear a formal suit- such seems not good appearance in a stadium. Because he represents the government of United States, he has no choice. I can assert that almost every woman wants to own Chanel coats and Louis Vuitton purses; however, not every woman can afford these luxuries. Now Chanel and Louis Vuitton are not symbol of personal tastes or favorites, but symbol of success and wealth. Similarly, many large companies required their clerks to wear formal suits at work, so their appearances are not their own choices but uniforms. From these suits we can never clarify a person's thought and interests.

When we compare people in one specific nation with another, we can observe the two groups of people did have significant difference in their clothing and behaviour. Yet, in my view, these differences are attributable more to fashion instead of a society's ideas and values. Common sense informs me that fashion and popular styles change fast. Taking the city I live in for example, ten years ago, the most popular clothing for young women was long skirt. One the contrary, nowadays, most young girl wears mini-skirts, no matter in summer or in winter. In the society changes as fast as ours, fashion and people's appearances can change dramatically in a decade; however, the ideas and values changes relatively slowly. How we define virtue, justice or goodness is just like our ancestors. These standards are no decided or reflected by the mere fact how people dress and act.

In conclusion, although the appearance and behavior of a single person can reflect individuals' hobbies or attitudes, this method cannot be applied to analyze nations or societies. When we compare two nations, we need to consider more on their different language, moral standard, media, and politics, which have more deep meaning than the citizens' appearance.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Check for Oct, 14


1. Argument Outlines & Reading 40
4:00 P.M.~5:30P.M.

2. Two Issue Writing within 2.5 hours.(Including a 5-minute break)
Finish before 9:00 P.M.

3. Issue 5.5 outlines Up to No.100
Brief outlines.

Today's tasks were too easy to fulfill.


1. Argument Outlines & Reading 50 to #150

2. Issue Brief Outlines 50 to #150
(60 minutes and 55 minutes)

3. Two Issue Writing within 2 hours.(Including a 5-minute break)
Finish before 2:45 P.M.

4. A Argument in 30 minutes (2~3 minutes for check)

9 Days to go!!!

My "Issue" Essay, NO.7

TOPIC: ISSUE130 - "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
WORDS: 572 TIME: 01:00:00 DATE: 2008-10-14 20:27:14

In this statement, the speaker points out that the next generation is important to the future, and therefore put an unsolved problem: "how to raise children who can help bring about a better society." There is no need to question the importance of our children to the development of society; however, I argue that it is not necessary to worry about whether our offspring can form a better society.

To begin with, I concede that the next generation is essential for our society's destiny, as they are the builder-to-be of the world. Whether a nation is powerful or not, her leaders should always pay attention to educate and socialize their children better. In history, many super powers declined because people declined generation by generation. The Ancient Roman Empire, which used to own the Mediterranean as her inner-land "lake", could not escape from being conquered by ancient Gaul, because the empire was not able to train the children raise legions as she used to be. On the contrary, Japan- the loser of World War II- successfully revived in twenty year, and developed to be the second powerful economic entity in the 1980s. The Japanese government attributed their success to the attention to children. One fact impressed me the most is that, in 1950s, when Japan suffered from economic depression and severe lack of food, children's daily serves of milk were always guaranteed. Difference in treating children between 1950s' Japan and Ancient Roman proved that if a nation want to develop or keep strong, paying sufficient attention to children is necessary.

Nevertheless, the statement implies that there is a standard to judge whether a society is good or bad. Yet, in societies that change as fast as ours, this standard should never exist. Twenty year ago, when we are born into the world, few people can predict the present society. Our parents could not imagine the wide use of new technologies, and they were also not able to predict that Internet can change our life style and the way of communication. Politician did not foresee today's high price of oil and the problem caused by the energy crisis. Similarly, as our society is changing faster and faster, we do not know what our world will look like after another two decades. So, how can we make such a mechanical standard to evaluate the future society, which we even cannot predict? Whether the future is desirable or not can only answered by our children.

Moreover, I advocate that our children have the right, as well as the obligation, to decide what kind of society they want to establish. Fortunately, although we cannot decide our children's future, we can help our children to become better individuals. There are two main ways. First, we can provide adequate education to our children and equipped them with sufficient knowledge- including science, technologies, culture, history, aesthetics, ethics, etc. With the basic knowledge, our next generation will have tools- at least as good as ours- to build their society and solve social problems. Secondly, we can train our children with logical reasoning and analytical skills. With these abilities, they can establish their own standards to judge their society and improve it accordingly.

In conclusion, I agree that we are able to and obliged to help our offspring to get ready for their future task to build a better society. However, we should let our children to decide their tomorrow and the future world.

My "Issue" Essay, NO.6

TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 566 TIME: 01:05:00 DATE: 2008-10-14 18:55:48

In this statement, the speaker points out that college faculty should work outside universities and thus can help improve their performance as college instructors. I partly agree with the speaker, but he/she overlooks some potential passive factors and the fact that not every faculty needs these experiences.

To begin with, I concede that working experiences in companies or even governments can help college teachers to get more accurate understanding on what they study. In the tower of ivory, students and teachers study their subjects by means of reading books, logical reasoning, or experiments in laboratories. I admit that, knowledge acquired from these methods can reflect the real world to some extent. However, in most cases, when they are applied into reality, many problems might rise. For instance, when many technologies were first introduced into our society, they received cold response from the customers. Similarly, economists have worked out lots of mathematical models to explain how the finance system works, or to predict whether the Dow-Jones Index will rise. However, these works seldom success to fulfill their original purpose, although the statistic data they based on was reliable and the analyses of these economists were reasonable. Those failures were mostly attributable to the lack of practice experience.

Nevertheless, getting jobs, even part-time jobs, calls for large amount of time and energy. If one pay too much attention on business outside the academic world, his/her teaching and researching would be hindered. One thing we need to notice is that, if we want to learn something that can help us to draw a clear view on the society and the relative fields, we should spend magnificent time and energy into those work. For example, if a young teacher in the department of Computer Science wants to gain practice experience in software engineering, he is required to join a developing team in large software companies such as Microsoft, SUN Micro-systems, Oracle, etc. A typical software project will last for six months or more. In this period, one can hardly take teaching tasks in university. Even in some other field, such as legal profession. Some professors in law schools may work as attorneys for part-time job. Although solving a law case requires less time than working out a large software system, the professors' work will inevitably conflict with his regular lecture for his students.

Furthermore, the speaker failed to take the complexity of different disciplines into consideration. Different majors require different level of practical experience, so we cannot assert that all faculties should work outside or spend the same time for those works. Some majors have more links with our daily life, but others have not. Faculty in theoretical physics, arts, history, archaeology, and philosophy should pay most of their attention to the teaching and research in college, for there are no directly relative professions in these subjects. One the other hand, for faculty in business management, financing, accounting, and engineering, they can find relative companies easily. A professor is qualified as he can prove that he can manage a company skillfully, and a teacher of engineering should also have experiences in technologies companies. In some extreme condition, some teachers may be hired from large companies and works part-time in colleges.

In conclusion, I also recommend teachers to take some part-time jobs, if they can balance the "expense" and "revenue", and their disciplines need these kinds of work experience.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Check for Oct, 13


1. Two Issue Writing within 3 hours.

2. One Argument Writing within 30 minutes.
Finished at 7:30 P.M.
I waste some time (about 2 hours) to surf the internet...

3. 20 Issue outlines.

Today's tasks were too easy to fulfill.


1. Argument Outlines & Reading 40
4:00 P.M.~5:30P.M.

2. Two Issue Writing within 2.5 hours.(Including a 5-minute break)
Finish before 9:00 P.M.

3. Issue 5.5 outlines Up to No.100
Brief outlines.

10 Days to go!!!

My "Argument" Essay, NO.7

TOPIC: ARGUMENT238 - The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and more job counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumés and interviewing skills."
WORDS: 470 TIME: 00:30:00 DATE: 2008-10-13 19:29:15

The author of this argument claims that Mira Vista College should also take the similar methods in Green Mountain College, which can help Mira Vista's graduates to find a job. To justify this claim the arguer cites a survey in graduates of Mira Vista that only 70 percents find jobs in their major. A careless analyzer may consider this excerpt convincing and plausible; nevertheless, I find it contains several logical flaws in critical respects.

To begin with, the author's conclusion is based on the research of the seniors who informed the college. Without informing how many students informed, the arguer is hasty to draw the conclusion that Mira Vista's graduates cannot find jobs as good as those in Green Mountain College. Moreover, half of the graduates did not find jobs relative to their majors in college did not necessarily indicate that their job is disappointing. In a society which developed as fast as ours, it is very common that graduates take jobs other than their major. Thus, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious for the speaker to generalize any claim at all, let alone a persuasive statement.

Additionally, even I concede that Mira Vista's graduates cannot find decent jobs like their counterparts do; the logic of this argument- which seems to be sound- is still open is doubt. The argument relies on the unwarranted assumption that good jobs of Green Mountain College's graduates were attributable to business courses and job counselors. It is equally possible that other factors were instead reasons for finding a good job. Perhaps students in Green Mountain College got higher average grades so that their employees consider that they are more equipped with basic knowledge. Without ruling out such possibilities, the author cannot justify the claim that

Finally, even if Green Mountain College graduates really benefited from the business courses and job counselors, it is necessary to point out another flaw that undermines the argument. The analogy between Mira Vista College and Green Mountain College is highly suspicious because the author failed to account for possible differences between these two colleges. Perhaps Green Mountain College's main majors are economics, business management, finance, etc. Students can take advantage of relative courses and job counselors. Meanwhile, students in Mira Vista learn theoretical disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and statistics. As a result, the mere method to offer business courses and job counselors can help little.

To sum up, the author's conclusion about how to improve students' finding jobs is not well reasoned. To bolster his or her argument, the speaker is expected to provide more information which can show that Mira Vista College really suffered from an employing problem. Furthermore, to make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also demonstrate that the method in Green Mountain College can be applied to Mira Vista as well.

My "Issue" Essay, NO.5

TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
WORDS: 560 TIME: 01:08:52 DATE: 2008-10-13 15:30:50

When discussing who bring something of lasting value to our society, we should clarify what is lasting value. Obviously, the masterpieces by great artists as well as our understanding of those arts are both with great values. When considering those values, I cannot agree with the statement. Instead, I argue that both artists and critics have contributed to our society.

To begin with, I concede that artists are the creators of those great works. Without their efforts, these masterpieces would never exist. Unlike the field of science and technologies, artists can work independently, with no needs to studying former achievements. Art is an innovation which is full with creativities and inspirations, so that any single piece of work can be created by the only artist. Without Michelangelo, our standard of a perfect male body might be very different. Without Shakespeare, we could never be impressed by the great tragedies like Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Without Beethoven, so many symphonies and sonatas will be lost. Without Vincent van Gogh, perhaps the post-impression style will never be established. Those and other great art pieces can be created by only artists themselves, so artists must be the chief contributors for the aesthetics in our society.

Nevertheless, the factors of critics cannot be overlooked as they also put value into arts. First of all, critics’ comments- whether positive or negative- can both help the artists to improve their works and performances. Like ordinary people, when artists finish their works, they are expected to be praised and recognized. However, some artists were not fortunate enough to enjoy this pleasure. Van Gogh was this kind of artists whose works were not evaluated during his life. Although every piece of his paintings owes a price of more than one million dollars, he failed to exchange a decent meal with his painting. His "failure" finally led to his depression and suicide at an age of only 37. I can confidently presume that had some critics been able to understand Van Gogh's painting earlier and give his works a positive judgment, Van Gogh would not kill himself but continue to create more paintings and even start a new style which we can never imagine. Definitely, Van Gogh's death was a great loss in human history. In this situation, critics can also bring value to our societies.

Secondly, another important function of criticism is that it bridges the gap between the common people and art, which is initially not easy for ordinary people to understand. Artists' works always went in front of the times, thus common people are not easy to comprehend the meaning conveyed by those paintings, music, literature, sculpture, etc. Critics, as professional numbers or even artists themselves, have a clearer understand of those works. Their comments are easier and can help people to enjoy those pioneers' works. When we discuss whether something is valuable or not, we must consider how many people can take advantage from it. The artists created the value, but they do not know how to present them to the society. So critics' work is worthy, for they make the great works acceptable and thus valuable to common people.

In conclusion, my position was different with the speaker's simple one. Besides the creating works finished by the artists, I considered criticism as another important part of the field of art.

My "Issue" Essay, NO.4

TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 555 TIME: 01:17:25 DATE: 2008-10-13 13:48:32

In this statement, the speaker asserts that history study should pay more attention to the large groups of people for they were the maker of historic events. I agree that those events were largely made by the majority than some famous individuals. However, I disagree with the speaker that we are expected to study these people to clarify the history.

To begin with, I concede that most people rather than a few of elites contributed to the process of history. Almost all historical construction projects were attributable to the labor of ordinary people. The Great Wall was built by countless soldiers from every dynasty in ancient China; similarly, Egyptian pyramids- although initially built as tombs for the kings- were build by craftsmen and slaves with no names. In every famous battle, brave warriors and strong fighters are the determining factor finally leading to the victory. Many of them were killed on the battle field and left nothing about their names, their stories, and their contributions, but they were the maker of the history. After World War II every counties, from United Kingdom to China, from United States to USSR, built monuments in the center square of the capital city. On these monuments wrote: "In memory of the defenders of our country", without any specific names. Those monuments reveal that both government and later generations agree that those nameless people contributed to the process of history.

Secondly, although the total efforts made by the elites was less than ordinary people, when considering average contribution by a single person, those famous people really did more. Sometimes, their behavior, decision, or even speech had great impact on the history and let to dramatic changes of the society. In the field of political, kings, presidents and other governors are more powerful than ordinary people. Their ideas had vast influences on the history. For instance, if Spanish Queen Isabella was unwilling to support Columbus' voyage, the discovery of America might be delayed for many years. Although Columbus and his crew made more efforts than Queen Isabella, her decision changed the history equally or more significant than Columbus' adventure.

Finally, the speaker's method about how to study history is not feasible. I admit that the sum of ordinary people's efforts is great, but studies based on them would be either too costing or unconvincing. On one hand, if we try to study every single person in the history, from generals to soldiers, from kinds to citizens. This project is not time-consuming or money-consuming, but actually impossible. Take the battle of Normandy in World War II for example, only allied forces contained more than 2,880,000 soldiers. It was not proper to study all of them. On the other hand, when we study those people as a whole, it is still hard to draw a clear picture of history. Without any study on individuals valuable information was neglected and therefore we were not able to know how the events developed specifically. As a mid-way, to study some famous individuals can reveal the history with a low cost.

In conclusion, history was made by the people as a whole and the contribution by the groups of people was valuable. Nevertheless, when we seek a vivid and clear view of history, studying those famous people who made great efforts is a relatively proper way.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Check for Oct, 12


1. ISSUE Outlines #1~#30
Not very efficiently.
2. A new 'Issue' practice, 90 minutes.
My speed is disappointed


1. Two Issue Writing within 3 hours.
Finish before 3:45 P.M.

2. One Argument Writing within 35 minutes.
Finish before 7:00 P.M.

3. 20 Issue outlines.
Brief outlines.

11 Days to go!!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Check for Oct, 8


1. Argument Outlines #50~#70
DONE. I should go through it faster tomorrow.
2. A new 'Argument' practice, with a time limitation of 40 minutes.
4. Rewrite my first Issue essay.
DONE. The major problem is that I write this essay in nearly 2 hours!!!
5. 15 issue outlines.

50 issue outlines(may be 10 hours?)

Total Delay: -10 hours


1. Argument Outlines #71~#100
2. A new 'Argument' practice, with a time limitation of 40 minutes.
Try out my new template, and verify its function. Using the template more efficiently.
4. Write my 2nd Issue essay, with a time limitation of 90 minutes.
Reduce 30 minutes? God, help me again.
5. 30 issue outlines.

15 Days to go!!!

My "Issue" Essay, NO.1

TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 631 TIME: 01:51:27 DATE: 2008-10-8 17:50:21

I admit that history is valuable when it can provide explanations or suggestions for our daily life; however, history- which can also describe our society, culture, and even human ourselves, is more complex than the statement asserts. In my view, it is worthy to study history, no matter whether the study is directly linked to our daily lives or not.

At first glance, everyone will argue that any study relevant to our daily life is important, of course, those studies should include history. Obviously, history can help us to explain many ordinary things in our society. For instance, it is a common sense that citizens in United Kingdom drive their car in the left lanes of the road, while in many other countries such as United States, people are obliged to drive on the right side. Actually, in medieval, all European ride their horse in the left side because- in this way- chevaliers are convenient to fight with their right hands which holding weapons. When modern road system was introduced, English people naturally inherit his tradition. On the contrast, French people consider they are different and enjoy a more developed society than their counterpart for centuries, they declared a right-sided road system. The French's action was soon accepted by many other nations and therefore adopted this system as well. In short, history study is definitely effective in explain this and many other phenomenon in our daily life.

On contrast, if our history text books only contain these anecdotes, the charming of history will be inevitably diminished. Imagine that our history books lack those significant political events and dramatic culture change, how terrible our students' knowledge will be? They will never know the exodus led by Moses; never know Julius Caeser, Augustus and their great legions and great empire; never know the King Author's round table meeting; never know the odyssey of Christopher Columbus; never know the establish of the United States and the Declaration of Independence; never know Neil Armstrong's first small step- as well as the giant leap for mankind- on the moon. Without such knowledge, we are ignorant to what our ancestor had achieved and what we can do in the future; moreover, we are even not able to define who we are. For humankind as a whole, I can confidently assert that, the history of Apollo project is more worthy than the knowledge about why we drive in the opposite direction of English.

Other people who emphasize on common and ordinary lives may further point out that historian's studies are both time-consuming and money-consuming, and thus cannot gain sufficient revenue comparing with the cost. On one hand, I have to concede that historical research cannot create direct benefits as fast as workers in IT industry or life science, let alone the managers in Silicon Valley or stock brokers in the Wall Street. This can explain that why few high school graduates choose history as their major in further education, while the applicants for finance, application technologies are always overflowed. On the other hand, the value of historians always merges in a long term. In some extreme examples, many historical record, were not recognized by the contemporary people; but their value was rediscovered by the later generations. A society that develops as fast as ours, people are more likely to overlook the long term profits. After all, the neglected field is not necessarily unimportant.

In conclusion, I would prefer to take a positive attitude to history study. Although history interpreting our daily life is valuable, those other history that reflects our society, culture, politics, and technology development is more important. Excluding the factor that history cannot bring instant benefit to our society, nation, communities and especially individuals, history is a worth filed to which we are obliged to devote.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Check for Oct, 7


1. Argument Outlines #26 ~ #50
I did not concentrate on the class, neither write the outlines nor understand the teachers' instruction.
2. Learn from official Issue samples.
Easy to finish, but not very helpful.
3. A new 'Argument' practice, with a time limitation of 45 minutes.
I made it!!!
4. Write my first Issue essay.
Obviously, it is a terrible one, try again tomorrow.
5. 15 issue outlines.
Have not started yet.
6. Modified my Argument templates.
This is an additional work, although necessary, but consumed too much time.

1 issue essay (2 hours)
30 issue outlines(may be 8 hours?)

Total Delay: -10 hours


1. Argument Outlines #50~#70
2. A new 'Argument' practice, with a time limitation of 20 minutes.
Try out my new template, and verify its function.
4. Rewrite my first Issue essay.
GOD! Help ME!!!
5. 15 issue outlines.

16 Days to go!!!

My "Argument" Essay, NO.6

TOPIC: ARGUMENT188 - A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa opioids-a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women.
WORDS: 447 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE: 2008-10-7 16:52:28
The author of this argument claims that kappa opioids have insignificant effect on reducing pain of male and all medications should be checked for gender difference. To justify this claim the arguer cites a research about 48 men and women who taking the operation of removing their wisdom teeth. This excerpt seems to be convincing and plausible; however after close scrutiny, I find it contains logical flaws in several critical respects, as the following discussion shows.

To begin with, the argument is based on the search of 48 people, which is not a statistically reliable sample. When samples are used to make general claims about a particular phenomenon, an author is responsible to assure its randomness and representativeness. In this argument, the author failed to take this rule into consideration, which make the conclusion unsubstantiated. Perhaps the 28 male patients in this study just suffered more sever toothache than their counterpart.

Additionally, the author assumes unwarrantedly that the medical effect of kappa opioids was the explanation for the difference response between the women and the men. Yet the only foundation for this causal relation is that they both take this type of painkiller after their wisdom teeth were extracted. It is entirely possible that other factors were instead reasons for the dissimilarity of their reports. First, the sense of pain is a subjective feeling and there is no common standard to weigh the pain. Secondly, even if the men did suffer more than the women, perhaps men's nerve and vessel around wisdom teeth are denser that women, which probably cause more pain. Since the author failed to consider and weigh these possibilities, the conclusion that kappa opioids has little effects on men is groundless.

Finally, even I concede that kappa opioids is a painkiller that cannot heal men's pain efficiently; the speaker still assumes too hastily that all medical treatment on men should be reevaluated. However, it is not the case. Common sense informs me that both male and female are similar in most of their biological features, and most medicine's functions are irrelative to gender. Should the author's claim reflect the fact, most of medicine we use should have insignificant impact on either men or women; however, this phenomenon is never observed.

To sum up, the author's conclusion about the medication effectiveness in relevant to gender difference is not well reasoned. To better support the conclusion, the author is expected to provide more information which can show that the research cited is believable and capable to reflect the fact. Furthermore, to make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also demonstrate that kappa opioids cannot reduce the pain of male in a view of medical science.

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Check for Oct, 6


1. Argument Outlines #1 ~ #25
Ok, I finish 50% of the plan, it's ok, and I should hurry up tomorrow.
2. Argument Essay 5, with a time limit of 45 minutes.
I failed to arrange enough time to revise it by myself.
3. 看完Issue所有的题目。
I, did it!
4. 看完8篇Issue范文和总结。
It seems that I have no chance to form essays like those samples; what I can do is to learn from them.
5. Issue Outlines, top 20
Not, start yet.
6. Start to practice typing and memorize some beautiful express.
I spent about 1.5 hours on this new task, which is definitely helpful.

20 issue outlines(may be 5~6 hours?)

Total Delay: -6 hours


1. Argument Outlines #26~#70
Maybe I should escape from some lessons.
2. Learn from official Issue samples.
Only a little work to finish.
3. A new 'Argument' practice, with a time limitation of 45 minutes.
4. Write my first Issue essay.
Obviously, it will be a terrible one.
5. 15 issue outlines.

17 Days to go!!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Oct, 5 总结

1. Issue范文还没动(估计要用2hr)
2. 题目大概还有40%没看完(估计也要2hr)。


1. 6:00PM~8:00PM效率比较低。
2. 对看题目的速度过于自信。晚上速度稍微提升了一些,达到15min一页的速度(共15页),这样明天2hr内能看完题目。



1. Argument Outlines #1 ~ #50

2. Argument Essay 5, with a time limit of 45 minutes.

3. 看完Issue所有的题目。

4. 看完8篇Issue范文和总结。

5. Issue Outlines, top 20


GRE AW 写作之 我的10天(非全天)ISSUE复习计划

OCT 5S 花一个晚上看分类题库和几片官方范文
OCT 6M 上午上课的时候继续看Argument的提纲(这周还不准备大规模翘课)
OCT 7T 上课的时候以及中午继续看Argument的提纲(这周还不准备大规模翘课)
OCT 8W 上课的时候以及中午继续看Argument的提纲(这周还不准备翘课)
OCT 9T 如果礼拜二网安点过了,这天就翘掉。课上、中午继续Argument。
OCT 10F 上午上完课,40分钟搞一片Argument,然后改。
OCT 11S 上午8:30到108,老规矩,Argument一片。
OCT 12S 上午8:30到108,老规矩,Argument一片。

每天要早上要写 Daily Plan, 晚上要写 Check List.

My "Argument" Essay, NO.4

TOPIC: ARGUMENT47 - Scientists studying historical weather patterns have discovered that in the mid-sixth century, Earth suddenly became significantly cooler. Although few historical records survive from that time, some accounts found both in Asia and Europe mention a dimming of the sun and extremely cold temperatures. Either a huge volcanic eruption or a large meteorite colliding with Earth could have created a large dust cloud throughout Earth's atmosphere that would have been capable of blocking enough sunlight to lower global temperatures significantly. A large meteorite collision, however, would probably create a sudden bright flash of light, and no extant historical records of the time mention such a flash. Some surviving Asian historical records of the time, however, mention a loud boom that would be consistent with a volcanic eruption. Therefore, the cooling was probably caused by a volcanic eruption.
WORDS: 513 TIME: 01:11:49 DATE: 2008-10-5 11:26:13

The author of this argument claims that the abnormal cold weather in the mid-sixth century resulted from a volcanic eruption. To justify this claim, the arguer cites historical records about a dimming of the sun and a loud boom. Moreover, he or she also points out that no evidence of a meteorite collision was recorded. This excerpt seems to be convincing and plausible; however, after close scrutiny, I find it contains logical flaws in several critical respects, as the following discussion shows.

To begin with, the argument relies on the unwarranted assumption that the extraordinarily low temperature was attributable to the dimming of the sun which was observed by ancient Europeans and Asians. Yet, the only foundation for this causal relation is that these two events occurred simultaneously. It is equally possible that other factors were instead reasons for the abnormal climate. Perhaps activities of aerosphere suffered from a unusual change in those decades and the global climate saw a variation which led average temperature in Asia and Europe dropped greatly. Without ruling out this or other similar possibilities, the arguer's conclusion remains unsubstantiated.

Additionally, even if the lack of sunshine was the reason for global cooling, the author assumes too hasty that either a meteorite collision or a volcanic eruption led to the sun dimming. Although these are entirely possible, common sense and experience inform me that they are not the only explanations. Perhaps there was an unobserved forest fire during these years, which could also produce large amount of smoke to dim the sun; or perhaps solar eclipse occurred frequently in the mid-sixth century and those ancient people consider it was the symbol the sun dimming. Since the arguer failed to weight and eliminate these explanations, the arguer's assertion cannot be taken seriously.

Finally, even I concede that one of the two reasons listed by the argument was responsible for the significant dropping of the temperature; the speaker cannot confidently draw the conclusion that volcanic eruption instead of meteorite collision was the probably explanation. The mere fact that no bright flash was recorded does indicate that no meteorite collision happened. Perhaps the meteorite crash into the continent of Africa; thus people lived in Europe and Asia cannot spot the flash, but the smoke and dust can still affect the whole planet. Similarly, the arguer insufficiently proves that the loud boom was the result of volcanic eruption. Oppositely, there was a great chance that it was the meteorite collision that led to his boom.

To sum up, the author's conclusion about the cause of the global cooling in the mid-sixth century is not well reasoned. To bolster his or her argument, the speaker must prove that the lack of sun light necessarily contribute to the cold weather. Similarly, to better support the conclusion, the author is expected to provide more information which can prove that there were no other reasons for the dimming of sun. Furthermore, to make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also sufficiently demonstrate that, in that period, a volcanic eruption did occur and no meteorite collided into Earth.

Saturday, October 04, 2008



WEEK 1~3 重点背单词,并准备和联系口语小段子,练习听力的听写。
WEEK 4 研究托福考试官方指南,尤其是出题方向和评分标准,做官方指南上的练习题。继续练习口语部分,闲暇时听往年托福的听力。
WEEK 5~6 复习阅读和听力分项。
WEEK 7 重点练习口语,同时开始做Barron的题目。
WEEK 8 开始大规模做阅读和听力相关试题,同时继续口语。
WEEK 9 再次详细浏览托福考试官方指南,研究各项的题型、界面、流程和时间分配。
WEEK 10A 重点练习一下综合写作和独立写作。
WEEK 10B 最后研究一次托福考试官方指南,去做一下ETS的免费模考题(注意:免费模考题只能做一次),主要为了熟悉界面和考试流程。

My "Argument" Essay, NO.3

TOPIC: ARGUMENT45 - The following appeared as an editorial in a wildlife journal.

"Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic region. They search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the course of a year. Their habitat is limited to areas warm enough to sustain the plants on which they feed, and cold enough, at least some of the year, for the ice to cover the sea separating the islands, allowing the deer to travel over it. Unfortunately, according to reports from local hunters, the deer populations are declining. Since these reports coincide with recent global warming trends that have caused the sea ice to melt, we can conclude that the decline in arctic deer populations is the result of deer being unable to follow their age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea."
WORDS: 524 TIME: 00:53:03 DATE: 2008-10-4 10:52:25

The author of this argument claims that the global warming led to the falling of the Arctic deer populations. To justify his or her claim, the arguer cites a survey result from local hunter which indicates the decline of deer number. Moreover, the author also points out that global warming in the same period time was responsible to the melting of sea ice. This excerpt seems to be convincing and plausible; however, after close scrutiny, I find it contains logical flaws in several critical respects, as the following discussion shows.

The first problem with this argument is that the author's conclusion is based on the research of a group of local hunters, which is not statistically reliable. When statistic results are used to make general claims about a particular phenomenon, an author is responsible to assure its randomness and representativeness. In this argument, the author failed to take this rule into consideration, which makes the conclusion unfounded. It is entirely possible that those hunter's active regions are quite limited and deer happened not to appear in these sites. Without ruling out this or other similar situations, the speaker cannot confidently draw the conclusion that the populations of deer have dropped.

Secondly, by citing the global trend of warming to support his or her conclusion, the speaker relies on the unwarranted assumption that the worldwide situation applies specifically to Canada's arctic region. Without any supporting evidence that the climate in North Canada are also getting warmer, it is hasty to conclude that the frozen sea in arctic region is melting and the habit of Arctic deer has been changed. Perhaps the effort of Canada government to prevent climate change in this nation has positive effects on average temperature in Canada's arctic region, while the temperature in other countries has risen sharply in recent decades.

Finally, even if the population of Arctic deer is descending as the hunters described and if the average temperature in North Canada is rising year by year, the author's conclusion is still open to doubt. The argument relies on the groundless assumption that Arctic's disappearing was attributable to the global warming. Yet, the only foundation for this causal relation is that there was a correlation between these two phenomena, and the arguer failed to account for other instead factors which were reasons for Arctic deer's falling. Perhaps large scale of hunting has killed those deer; or perhaps an unknown disease was spread among deer groups. Since the argument failed to eliminate these alternative explanations, the author's assertion is indefensible.

To sum up, the author's conclusion about Arctic deer's population and global warming is not well supported. To bolster his or her argument, the speaker must prove that the survey on deer's number is believable and their population did suffer from a decline. Similarly, to better support the conclusion, the author is expected to provide more information which can show that the climate of arctic region in Canada is also influenced by the global warming. Furthermore, to make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also demonstrate that a warmer climate is the most important reason for the falling of Arctic deer populations.

Friday, October 03, 2008

My "Argument" Essay, NO.2

TOPIC: ARGUMENT38 - The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.

"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."
WORDS: 538 TIME: 00:59:53 DATE: 2008-10-3 20:43:05

The author of the argument claims that people should take Ichthaid to lower the possibility of catching cold and therefore avoid absenteeism. To justify this claim, the arguer cites the fact that people live in East Meria eat a large amount of fish and thus scarcely suffer from cold, moreover, the author also points out that Ichthaid is a good choice to protect people from catching colds. This excerpt seems to be convincing and plausible; however, after close scrutiny, I find it contains logical flaws in several critical respects, as the following discussion shows.

First of all, the arguer assumes too hastily that the low frequency of visit doctors for colds indicates that East Meria people barely catching colds. However, it is not necessarily the case. Common sense informs me that many people do not go to hospital when they catch cold; instead they just take some medicine and rest in bed for one or more days. It is entirely possible that residents in East Meria are reluctant to pay the expensive bill from such an ailment; or perhaps the medical system of East Meria is not well developed and it is not able to serve so many people suffering from cold. Without ruling out these or other similar possibilities, the speaker cannot confidently claim that people in East Meria seldom catch cold.

Secondly, even I concede that residents in East Meria are less likely to catch cold than people live in other region; the speaker cannot confidently draw the conclusion. The argument relies on the unwarranted assumption that the resistance to cold of citizens from East Meria was attributable to the consuming of fish. It is entirely possible that other factors are instead reason for those people's resistance to cold. Perhaps the government of East Meria has carried out an education about how to avoid getting cold for tens of years; or perhaps those residents take part in sports regularly and therefore own a healthier body than people live in other cities. Since the author failed to eliminate these possible alternative explanations, his or her assertion cannot be taken seriously.

Finally, even if eating fish really have a positive impact on people's health, the author's recommendation of Ichthaid was also unsubstantiated. First, Ichthaid was made from fish oil; however, it is possible that the chemical that really benefit people's health is in other part of fish. Moreover, as we all know, the processing of deriving means remove a large portion of substances in fish oil; thus the real nutrition may be removed as well. In short, the author failed to prove that Ichthaid is also capable to reduce the possibility of suffering from cold.

To sum up, the arguer's recommendation of Ichthaid is not well reasoned. To bolster his or her argument, the speaker must prove that residents of East Meria scarcely suffer from cold and whenever they catch cold, they will visit doctors for help. To better support the conclusion, the author is expected to provide more information which can demonstrate the causal relation between eating fish and keeping away from cold. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also show that taking Ichthaid can perform as well as eating fish in preventing cold.

第一篇完整的 Argument

TOPIC: ARGUMENT2 - The following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres to all homeowners in Deerhaven Acres.
"Seven years ago, homeowners in nearby Brookville community adopted a set of restrictions on how the community's yards should be landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Since then, average property values have tripled in Brookville. In order to raise property values in Deerhaven Acres, we should adopt our own set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting."
WORDS: 505 TIME: 00:55:00 DATE: 2008-10-3 10:00:20
The author of this argument claims that Deerhaven Acres should take the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting just like Brookville did so as to raise the average house prices. To justify this claim the arguer cites a proof that Brookville's property values have risen by putting similar restrictions into practice. This excerpt seems to be convincing and plausible; however, after close scrutiny, I find it contains logical flaws in several critical respects, as the following discussion shows.
First of all, the argument relies on the unwarranted assumption that the price rising of Brookville's houses were attributable to those limitations on landscaping and housepainting. Yet, the only foundation for this causal relation is that there was a correlation between these two phenomena. It is entirely possible that other factors were instead reasons for the increase of real estate prices. It is well known that price is determined the relation of supply and demand. Perhaps Deerhaven suffered from a decline in construction of new houses recently; or perhaps many immigrants have swarmed into Brookville in the recent seven years, and real estate agents raised the prices to earn more profits. Since the argument failed to eliminate these alternative explanations, the arguer's assertion that Brookville's house prices have benefited from constraints on landscaping and housepainting is indefensible.
Secondly, even I concede that the restrictions in Brookville did put a positive effect on the houses' values; another problem with this argument is that analogies between Deerhaven Acres and Brookville are highly suspicious because the author failed to account for possible differences between these two communities. While Brookville's real estate's values raise because of the constraint policies, Deerhaven might not take the advantage of those restrictions. Perhaps Deerhaven's nature environment is not as pleasant as Brookville, so that the simple policies on landscaping and housepainting cannot help to beautify the community. In short, without considering this and other dissimilarities, the arguer cannot convince me that his recommendation for Deerhaven is sound.
Finally, even if these restrictions on house style will also benefit the average property values in Deerhaven, the arguer assumes too hastily that residents of Deerhaven will accept this method, which is, of course unwarranted. Common sense informs me that every single house owner has a trend to keep his or her house unique, which is obviously opposite to the uniform restrictions. Moreover, taking the new policies of housepainting and landscaping will cost a large amount of money, and the arguer did not provide evidence that residents in Deerhaven were ready to pay this bill.
To sum up, the author's conclusion about the constraints on landscaping and housepainting is not well reasoned. To bolster his or her argument, the speaker must prove that these rules are the direct reason for the boost of property values in Brookville. To better support the conclusion, the author is expected to provide more information which can eliminate the possible differences between Deerhaven and Brookville. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should also demonstrate that citizens in Deerhaven will agree with those policies which may bring inconvenience to them.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Google 时光机






Tuesday, September 30, 2008


今天又是荒废的一天,上午九点多起来的,马上刷邮箱,很高兴,Dr. Wang 给我回了邮件,让我觉得放心很多,接下去继续写创新项目的申请表,基本上都是按照自己的思路写的,没有大段大段地去抄已经有的一些部分,所以就篇幅而言很简短,不像之前的几次,一下子就拷贝一堆自己完全不懂的东西。




现在是2008年9月30日,晚上8点58分,接下来3个小时里,我要把Open Swan的VPN实验做好。

Thursday, September 25, 2008



Sunday, September 21, 2008



1. 马拉松式的杀G灭T之旅似乎还看不到尽头。写作文,背单词。看似简单,但在其他事情的冲击下,真的很难保证每天投入足够的时间和心思。老天赐我一个成绩吧,我会知足的。

2. 三个项目在手上,虽然都不是很紧,但最近几周实在是进展缓慢。
2.1 Mesh@NS 现在算是正式歇着了,好在已经搞出一点成绩来了,应付PRP结题审核应该不成问题。最近MENTOR出差去了,我就抓紧休息。
2.2 手机安全套件 从一开始就歇着,除了写过那个半死不活的查毒软件,貌似也没更大的进展,真希望十一的时候能把蓝牙模块搞出来一下。这个项目最开心的莫过于MENTOR LIU 人实在是太nice了。
2.3 IPSecVPN 刚刚上手,还没怎么学,不过组友毛主席很强大,还有刘扬大帅远程支持。看了下觉得东西不难,只希望能挤出时间来好好做。
2.4 本来没这一项的,不过Mesh项目要延续下去(毕竟是我的主业),就要去申请那个国家创新项目,真的,真的,希望能申请成功啊,神啊,我需要那笔经费。

3. 说道这么后面才提到那灭绝人性(指数量)的十门专业课,惭愧,自责,心慌。现在能保证的也只是“认真”听课,完成作业,书,是没时间看的。但愿大三的课能名副其实地水,希望到时候突击能有点效果。

4. 对的,我居然还是微软俱乐部的技术部部长。上礼拜招完新发现,我居然有40个人要管,OMG! 也不知道M$是不是应该送我一套免费的WIN2008,让我爽爽。面对前辈的信任和后辈的期待,我该如何是好?



Friday, September 19, 2008

征人参加 Image Cup

1. 作为安全出生,我自己懂得比较多,而且学院里面有大把的老师可以提供独家资源(这种资源比软工资源稀缺地多了)。
2. 从全球来看,安全方向的研究还不是非常深入,我们的发挥余地比较大。
3. 不容易和其他项目撞车,独创性会比较好。




The object of the Embedded Development Invitational is to unleash students' creativity in an effort to change the world into a better place. They will develop their own embedded device whose function it is to better us all. The Embedded Development Invitational challenges students to go beyond the PC desktop and work in both hardware and software to build an embedded solution using Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2 and the provided embedded platform.

Friday, September 12, 2008



Tuesday, September 09, 2008



Friday, August 29, 2008


1. Segmentation Fault 往往是由于类里面的成员没有初始化引起的。

2. NS2在执行 make depend 指令后的 circular 错误:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008




Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Pass 3

Pass 2
L13 L35 L46

Pass 4
L1 L22 L42

Sunday, August 24, 2008



唯一的成效就是看了3个List的单词(Pass 3的)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


今天晚上发生了一件非常不幸的事情,我没事去把Server 2008的分区扩扩大,谁知Acronis再次抽风,把2008搞出了科幻级的恶心故障,搞得我现在得花至少1天来重新作系统。





Server 2008被我不慎弄坏,郁闷中,启动后键盘失效了,不能输入密码,居然会有这种科幻级的错误。





Friday, August 22, 2008




8.22~8.23 两天,看完所有题目。
8.24~8.26 三天,根据新东方小白皮的分类写中间段,同时参看北美范文,搞清楚高分文章是怎么写的。
8.27~8.29 三天,列提纲,从高频开始,三天争取列完100个,同时总结出有特色的模板和句式。
9.30~9.4 写完整的文章,注重修改和完善。
